Who Is Mike Pence?

Before I forget…Mike Pence will be interviewed Friday night on Sean Hannity…an exclusive. The new Republican Vice President candidate is 57 year old Indiana Governor Mike Pence.  Born in Columbus, In, southern Indiana, and was part of a an Irish Catholic family who adored John Kennedy.  He is no longer Catholic but devout in his Evangelical faith.  He graduated from Indiana U. and went to law school as well.

Pence served 13 years as a Congressman, on the Foreign Relations Committee and rose through the ranks to the 3rd spot as the Party  Republican Conference Chairman before being elected Governor. Personality wise, he is the opposite of Trump.   He’s a Hoosier.  Known for their hospitality, a more laid back nature that can easily be under estimated.  Having lived in Indiana over 30 years I vividly recall Pence hosting his call in radio program daily on Indy’s most popular station.  I was a regular listener.  Pence liked to call himself  “The Rush Limbaugh on decaf.”  Smart as they come.  Always a gentleman, but he always knew what he stood for and expressed it in a very convincing manner.  He provides solid balance to the GOP ticket

This move by Trump shows he will listen.  Typical Trump would have wanted a more combative VP,  but his family and advisors thought he needed to show proven conservative credentials.  In a way, he might be best for “The Donald” because Pence is very convincing without being confrontational.

The new VP candidate will be criticized for signing a bill that allowed business people, with religious views, not to have to serve those who conflicted with their religious values.   Such as married gays, trans genders and the like.   This created such a fire storm and pressured the Governor to amend the bill eventually.  Other than that, it will be hard to fault him.  If ever needed, he could serve as a very good President.  He’s is well liked, respected and a man of impeccable character with strong views on what he believes.  He has the judgment to know to do the right thing.

For those disappointed in the Pence selection, rest assured Newt and Chris Christie will have important slots in a Trump administration.  Can you imagine Christie as Attorney General?  Perfect.  Especially after the nightmare of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch and their leftist and weak character nature.  And, Newt Gingrich is sure to have Trump’s ear anytime he wants.   Likely he will have a key spot.  Perhaps a cabinet post or something closer to Trump.   And Pence is no wall flower.  Trump will get an ear full from his Vice President.  Very important is how much Trump’s family loved Pence.   From his wife to all of his children.  They were a key.

With the rules committee making certain Trump is the nominee, look for an entertaining Cleveland convention beginning Monday.  Trump was involved in the planning.  The news channels will offer the best coverage. And for those wanting to hear and see every convention crumb, there is always C-Span.

Hillary Clinton shocked the TV world Thursday night by phoning in and speaking with Bill O’Reilly.  He gave her the platform.  No hard ball questions.  Likely so he can get her back on again during the campaign. Her appearance came about because Trump had already been on and the France terrorist disaster was on everybody’s mind.  She had to say something.  But, there is no way she can get away from her support of even more Syrian refugees than what Obama has done.  Deny deny here it comes.  Trump is surging in the polls.  Should get more of a bump post convention.  The question is will it last.  Frankly, I think the Country is willing to take a chance on Trump because Hillary has been exposed blatantly as a liar…only 28% of the public think she is honest and trustworthy.  Plus, she won’t be able to get away from more of the same that Obama has given us.

A couple of final thoughts.   Look for a huge effort planned by agitators to disrupt the Republican convention.  In attempt to take away from the goings on. How will Cleveland handle it?   Can they handle it?   But, it all may back fire again to Trump’s benefit.  He is the “law and order man” he now says.  And with terrorism so prevalent, a strong leader is awfully tempting.  And polls can be very deceiving.  Keep this in mind.  It has happened before.  There are what I would call “closet Trump supporters.” People who will vote for Trump who won’t tell pollsters because of assorted reasons.  Mrs. Clinton begins with California and New York in her pocket.   But she knows the trouble she is in.    Why else would she “lower herself” (in her eyes) and go on Bill O’Reilly’s The Factor.

Finally, with his nomination, Trump can begin TV ads.  He has been out spent 15 to 1.  And he is doing better than anyone expected.
