Debate Prologue

For Tuesday night’s Republican debate, look for fireworks, but solid moderation and questioning.  Fox Business Network is the host beginning
6PM Central time and the main event set for 8PM Central time.  In the first debate, business questioners Trish Regan and Sandra Smith will handle matters
with Christie, Huckabee, Santorum and Jindal for one hour.
        At 8PM, Neil Cavuto and Maria Bartiloma take over.  Look for solid economic issues and more lengthy answering time by the candidates.
        Thin skinned Trump is out trouncing the first choice in Iowa, Dr. Ben Carson, for being pathological in his early childhood.  He gangs up with
the media.   There is vetting (Obama never received) and then there is vendetta.  Today, Parade Magazine ran a piece where Dr. Carson’s mother,
many years ago, in an interview did support her sons claims of violence in his youth.  Carson is the Dem.’s worse nightmare because he is a
Black conservative Republican.  No doubt, regardless of Party, he would secure many Afro American votes away from presumed Hillary.
        Marco Rubio will be likely be questioned again on his using the Party’s GOP American Express card for personal benefit.  This was totally
reviewed in Florida and found nothing unethical as Rubio paid back all monies owed on the card.  Old news.  Trump’s 3 bankruptcy’s will surface again.
        This debate should expose weaknesses in any of the candidates on their plans for the economy. Area’s where Carson and Trump may
show weakness.  Forget Rand Paul.  He’s done.  Bush has to show something that he essentially is incapable of doing. Cruz will preach as usual and
keeps waiting to steal votes from Trump should Trump fade and is still thought to happen.
         Keep your eye on Rubio.  His foreign affairs knowledge was a triumph during the last debate.  Another solid performance should keep his stock
rising.  Carly Fiorina will be Carly Fiorina with more of flashes of smiles.  Kasich needs to do something….a moment.  Unlikely.
         As for Trump on Saturday Night Live, ratings were very good.  However, critics say the show was a bomb.  A bore.
No other GOP candidate but Trump criticized Dr. Carson on the media vendetta.  Meanwhile Carson raised 3,5 million during the personal attacks.
Most believe it won’t hurt Carson a bit.
        Interesting So. Carolina poll…..Carson 28%….Trump….27%….Rubio 11%.   Average of all polls…..Trump 25%….Carson…24%….Rubio 12%.
Trump’s constant bashing of anyone beating him or close in the polls has gotten stale.   His numbers have been frozen for weeks.
That says a whole lot.
       Watch, learn and enjoy Tuesday night.   Should be a refreshing well run night.

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