It’s just too funny

Last night as I crawled into bed I did something I can’t recall ever doing.  I was out right laughing.  When you step back and think about this Presidential campaign you would think the entire mess was written by the Coen Brothers.  (Ever see The Big Lebowski with Jeff Bridges as ‘The Dude?’)  With riot conditions and Mexican flags waving outside where he was speaking, doing Trump a huge favor, here is Trump mimicking Hillary.  “And Donald Trump is a terrible person.  And he buys real estate when the price is low.  Well….who the hell doesn’t?”  Now folks, in all honesty, that’s funny.  He is endless.

Now we have “crooked Hillary” as he calls Mrs. Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren getting into the act has now becomes Pocahontas.  In case case you are wondering where that comes from, Mrs. Warren claimed she was born of Cherokee Indian blood in her campaign that defeated Sen. Scott Brown.  The Harvard Law school held up Warren’s native American blood as an example of minority participation at their institution.  Nobody can confirm it.  Somebody years ago, according to Warren, she had Indian blood.  Later unconfirmed sources said it is possible she “might” be 1/32nd Indian.   Trump, naturally, says “she’s no more Indian then I am.”

Leave to Trump to quickly dig up info that Sen. Warren flipped three houses for profit during the housing crisis.  Naturally Trump is having the time of his life at his packed house rallies.  Several anti Trump people tried to disrupt his rally Tuesday night.  Ushered out quickly, said Trump….”Are Trump rallies fun or what?”

Briefly, on Wednesday night network coverage, what network was most comprehensive in Hillary scandal coverage?  ABC, David Muir buried it as a 4th story leading with tornado coverage.  NBC’s Lester Holt used veteran Andrea Mitchell to give mostly complete coverage after leading with last night’s riot and today’s trouble at  Anaheim, CA.  Charlie Rose, subbing at CBS for Scott Pelle, was easily the most complete coverage.  They’re the only network that led with the story and ex Fox News ace Major Garrett nailed it.  No network offered details on Elizabeth Warren flipping three houses.

With endless energy, Donald Trump talks with House Speaker Paul Ryan by phone Wed.night.  Ryan says no endorsement yet.  And, appears on Jim Kimmel’s late show. Kimmel has been a critic of Trump.  That might show sparks or Trump charm.  Who knows with Trump?

So, what goes from here?  Hillary is going to take a hit surely. Today’s news confirms what every informed voter knows. She lied again.  Huge pressure mounting on the FBI report.  All signs now pointing to a likely “death nell” for Hillary.  She can weather today with her old staple “Everybody did it.”  Top defenders well versed on how to combat the events of today are all out Wed. night and Thursday.  But, it appears with the FBI report to come soon, the odds are she is done as a candidate.  She’d have to be Houdini to get out of all this now.  The Democrats have been making plans for her exit for some time. Hence the sudden appearance of Senator Elizabeth Warren who has said in the past she loves the readings of Chairman Mao.  As a VP pick with Bernie Sanders we’d have two socialist/Marxist’s on the same ticket.  Not likely.  The Democrat convention is likely to be much more chaotic than the Republicans.  Bernie Sanders guarantees it.  How will their Party rid themselves of him and try insert a substitute such as VP Joe Biden should prove entertaining at the very least.

And, who knows.  The GOP may still launch an attempt to stop Trump.  Not likely. It would most likely end the Republican Party.  Millions love the guy. But, some insiders may try.

As for me, I’m no kid anymore.  In 1968, I was a newsman in Chicago where nobody but nobody had seen the likes of riots of Viet Nam protesters in Grant Park with police clubbing the likes of Abbey Hoffman and other radical protesters as the first Mayor Richard J. Daley disrupted Chicago’s Democrat convention.  He had ordered the put down by Chicago police as rioters threw human excrement out of hotel windows and much more. A new President had to be nominated as shockingly Lyndon Johnson decided not to run again.  Sen. Hubert Humphrey received the nomination but he was doomed as Richard Nixon made a historical come back.

it seems impossible to think anything like 1968 could happen again.  But, as this wackiest of all Presidential seasons concludes, anything is possible with outside agitators being paid to disrupt.  Presidential candidates mauling each other with issues being flushed away.  Who Knows?  If that happens, there will be no more laughing as I hit the pillows this time.

Stay with or check my facebook page for my posts and the latest news on the political season.