It lasted 45 minutes. That is a first meeting between presumptive nominee Donald Trump and the House Speaker Paul Ryan. They really did not know each other. And, Ryan is yet to endorse Trump for the Presidency. They were brought together because they both need each other. Trump won’t get legislation he will want passed without the House of Representatives backing. And Ryan wants a unified Party to defeat Hillary Clinton and hopefully get Trump to modify some of his positions in order to become more acceptable to the Republican Party and, most importantly, the nation. Such as Trump’s wacky posture on stopping all Muslims from entering the USA. He will be on Hannity Thursday night.
So how did it go? Party Chairman Reince Priebus said it went extremely well for a first get together. The tone was civil. He and Ryan would not reveal any specific topics or detailed opinions. And, that’s how it should be for now. Ryan had a press conference post the meeting. Articulate as one can be, he did not discuss specifics. But he reiterated the Priebus remarks and spelled out issues that are important to him such as reform to save social security and medicare. The two of them exchanged positions upon issues. And, remarkably, released a JOINT statement following the meeting. That’s a very good sign. It is known the Party Chairman is in constant touch with Trump. Sometimes several times per day. Remember, Trump is a business man. Not a politician. He is unaware of the ways of Washington. He has always been his own boss on virtually everything. He is learning and whatever Reince Priebus is being paid, the Party should double it. He has done enormous work to a never before situation in the nomination of a candidate for President.
At this hour, Trump is off to meet with Senate members. One noteworthy item. Trump went to D.C. not pressing the issue to come to Trump Tower. As this significant day progresses we shall learn more of what transpired. Washington is leak city. Senator John Thune was supposed to address the press following the Senate meeting. He may have cancelled.
One thought that all doubters will be thinking after the day is done. How much of what Trump said to all members will he switch positions on in the future? He changes with the wind. If the Republican Party can garner enough support for Trump, MONEY and congressmen endorsements, he has an excellent chance of becoming President. The most recent polls (two now) indicating Trump can win in key must win States had to shock Trump doubters. Traditional Democrat voters backing “The Donald” are registering in huge numbers. Double in some area’s. It is possible Trump can win in States the GOP has not won in decades. Pennsylvania would be remarkable.
There is some conjecture Trump might, before the convention, announce he will be putting former New York city mayor Rudy Giulianii in charge of immigration. The former mayor’s reputation could quell any leeway Trump might be wavering upon with regard to allowing Muslims entering America. Why not name his cabinet as well? Christie, Attorney, Dr. Carson, Health and Human Services and Giuliani, Homeland Security. Instant credibility for doubters.
Over at the FBI, Director James Tomey is saying he is feeling the pressure to come to a conclusion on his investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal. Hillary is calling it, more or less, a security review. . Tomey says he never heard of such a thing. For what ever it is worth, Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday on Good Morning America he would have made the “best President.” As he shows up more and more on national television….well, let’s just say I have never been much of a believer in coincidences.
So stand by for all the pundit chatter today on how all went well with the Trump multiple meetings. Time will tell. But, one thing about Trump, with all his bluster, arrogance, audacious behavior, he is very smart. He can charm most everyone. He has exceptional instincts. It will be notable if he can keep his comments about the days events respectful. Or will his undisciplined ego fall back and his bluster pooh pooh todays happenings. That is his key to everything he wants. He will be on his way to gaining enough Republican unity to get the money and support he desperately needs. Hillary has a huge vault of cash bulging out to fight him. His focus must remain on the economy. Jobs. Good paying jobs is what the voters are pleading. If he refrains from degrading the days events, he can have a good chance of winning. If not….oh I hate to think of the alternative. I’ll hit the mute always when I see her as I do for our eight year national mistake. We likely will never bounce back.
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