
Same old Trump.  Always trying to tear down a fellow candidate.  Now it’s Rubio.

As Speaker of the House in Florida, Rubio had an American Express card to use for

State business.  Somehow it appears he used it for a personal reason and quickly paid the money back.  This is old buried news in Florida.  Rubio is now releasing all info pertaining to this issue.  This is nothing compared to Trump’s bankrupting 3-4 of his businesses.  Mr. perfect is not perfect.  Trump has no idea how to ship all eleven million+ illegals back to their native Country.

What’s he going to do…pull people out of their houses in to what?   Busses?  How do you find them all?  At what cost?   And, wreck families.  All this nonsense has done is for the GOP to lose the Hispanic vote.   It would never work.  It will never be done.

New poll shows all the leading candidates would beat Hillary.   Except one….Donald Trump.



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