Trump and the KKK

Yes, now we have Trump dodging and weaving about his non answer when confronted by Jake Tapper of CNN about Trump getting endorsed by famed Ku Klux Klan member David Duke.   Trump claimed he didn’t know of Duke, factually disproven, and then on Monday’s Today Show claiming he had a faulty ear piece and didn’t hear the question properly.  At no time did Trump disclaim or disown the famed KKK leader’s endorsement.

Best guess the reason has two possibilities.  1. He secretly liked the endorsement to help him in the deep south for tomorrow’s Super Tuesday primaries. 2. Or, the onslaught from mainly candidate Marco Rubio, with the help of candidate Ted Cruz, is getting to him.  Or a combination of both.  It is very likely Cruz will beat Trump in Texas on Tuesday.  Perhaps even by a clear margin saving Cruz in his home State and also breaking Trump’s strangle hold on all primaries.  Arkansas is also in play.  50-50 chances at present.

After thinking too long that Trump will burn out, Rubio has released a torrent of attack lines that have been hilarious at times.  Mainly that Trump is a “con artist.”  A “world class “con artist.”  Sighting Trump’s failures with the major lawsuits pending from Trump’s phony real estate college that never was licensed and charged as much as $36,000 per student.  Trump used illegal immigrants often on construction sights….his failed Trump Airlines attempt….filed four corporate bankruptcy’s….says Rubio, “who loses money on casino’s”.  Trump failure to release previous years tax returns now leading to all kinds of while speculation such as Trump may have contributed to Mafia controlled unions to get work done on numerous construction projects.  Or contributions to all sorts of non Republican issues..   Rubio’s onslaught is never ending.  “Trump should fire his phony painted orange face provider.”  Or the salty one about Trump having very small hands.  “And you know what they say about men who have small hands.”  Rubio says he is getting calls and emails from a multitude of disgruntled workers and contractors who never were paid because of the bankruptcy filings.

Will finally standing up to a bully work?  Not likely in the short run. It takes time for the no nothings and semi no nothings to get through to.  But, in the longer run it has a decent chance to catch on.   It will either destroy Rubio or help him.  More likely the latter because Trump has risen to the top based largely upon insults to his opponents and very generalized policy proposals.  He’s been a bully now getting it thrown back and with his thin skin, he may be having a tough time dealing with so many attacks and attack lines.    The tax return refusal is gaining momentum.  Rubio’s crowds growing by the day.

As for Super Tuesday, March 1st, keep in mind the delegates will be doled out proportionally.  If a candidate secures at least 20% of the primary vote in one State, he then is awarded delegates. Texas has 155 delegates and Georgia is next with 76. A little less than 600 delegates are up for grabs. It is not until March 15th when the winner take all primaries begin.  Such as Florida, Ohio Illinois and North Carolina.  The big ones.  That’s close to finality time.

As an indication of Trump’s vulnerabilities, he is now threatening to withdraw from his signed agreement to not leave the GOP for a third Party because, as he claims, he is not being treated fairly.  A sure sign matters are getting to him.   This David Duke KKK issue is major along with the tax returns matter.

What is gratifying is Trump is showing signs of significant blunders.  The GOP Party is desperate to take him down because they may lose the Senate majority and all will be for not and not to mention Trump losing the Presidential election.   Rubio, all signs point to, would likely beat Hillary assuming she gets through the FBI scandal.

This is easily turning into the most controversial, most mud slinging and exciting Presidential election in decades.  And, me thinks….”We ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”  Why? Because Fox News, yes with Megyn Kelly again, is set for Thursday March 3rd on the Fox New Channel.   Who knows?  Maybe Trump will throw a punch as he has threatened to hecklers.

Stayed turned for or my facebook page for the latest. Especially the meaning of the primary results of Super Tuesday March first.


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