Scalia Tragic/Trump No Magic

Stunned.  That’s the feeling when I heard of the death at 79 of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.  A stalwart of conservative opinions by the Court and a giant of mutual respect from all Parties.  Thirty years on the bench.  Gregarious, fun loving, biting writings upon decisions he opposed and characteristically his best friend of the Court liberal Justice Ruth Ginsburg.  Far and away the most influential Court member.  Catholic with nine children.  Appointed by President Reagan.

Now here comes politics before Scalia’s final respects.  Obama will no doubt do any and everything to get in another liberal on the Court before he leaves office. Can he do it?  Very very unlikely..  Here’s the way it goes.  The President can only nominate a candidate.  Next the Senate has to approve that candidate.  Republican Majority leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, can stop this nomination in two ways.   First, he can and will refuse to hold hearings on Obama’s nominee.  No assignment to a committee.  And, consequently no vote.  Then there is the matter of the President making a recess appointment.  A Justice who would only preside until the end of Obama tenure.  That Justice could be critical in pushing through legislation pending of what Obama wants such as Immigration, an abortion case and The Little Sister’s of the Poor issue.  To stop a recess appointment, McConnell would have to keep the Senate in Pro Forma Session keeping Obama from such a recess appointment when the Senate is out of session.  This can be done.  Might, MIGHT be a bit challenging.  Best guess, McConnell will find a way with his Senate majority of Republican’s.

With only eight members left on the Court, 4-4 ties would be likely mean all cases decided by lower courts would stand.  Bye bye Obama’s immigration plan of five million work permits and protection from deportation.  Bye bye the Texas abortion case that will reduce, in Texas, abortion clinics from 40 to 10.  And, put new restrictions and requirements upon abortion clinics.  Plus, the Little Sister’s of the Poor being forced to provide under The Affordable Care Act (affordable…need a laugh today?) to provide contraception methods at their facilities in violation of their religious beliefs.   Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, of all people, put a stay on that action last New Year’s Eve.  Hobby Lobby already received a favorable ruling on the matter.  This issue still needs a final resolution.  Expect a major battle on all the aforementioned issue’s coming at the worst time.   A further dividing matter during a Presidential election year. What next?   Liberal Justice Ginsburg (cancer victim)  suddenly retires?   Wouldn’t  that be a doozy?

On to Saturday night’s debate.  The fur really flew. Say’s famed columnist George Will…”Jeb Bush’s best performance.   Trump made a huge mistake going against former President George W. Bush who remains number one in popularity in South Carolina.”  He actually accused W. Bush of lying, knowing ahead of time there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but still went in anyway.  And, as brother Jeb said last night, “my brother kept us safe” Trump exclaimed 9/11 was on W. Bush’s watch.   What a sham by Trump. What nonsense.  I can’t help think of the old line against Sen. Joe McCarthy….”Have you no shame sir?  No human decency.”  Everybody  with foreign intelligence…the Brit’s….France….Japan all said the same thing.  Sadam had those weapons.   CIA Chief George Tenant told President W. Bush it was “A slam dunk.”  Hillary and a cadre of leading Senate Democrat’s all saw the intelligence and voted for the war.  Plus Colon Powell.

The rest of the debate, according to Newt Gingrich, Marco Rubio was the winner with genial Gov. John Kasich second.  Kasich thought the whole debate flare up’s were a sham.  Typical Kasich.  It is now thought Kasich is doing much better than thought in South Carolina.  Rubio confronted Cruz skillfully with his lie after lie and dirty campaign tactics.  Trump loudly agree.  Those in the know understand nasty Ted Cruz would have no chance in winning the Presidency.  No chance.

Here’s the poll numbers before  last night’s debate for the GOP.   Trump 42% Cruz 20% Rubio 15% Kasich 9% Bush 6% and Dr. Carson 6%.     Hillary Clinton 59% Sanders 40%.  Her with 73% of the Black vote…Sanders with 26%.

So now we wait for the latest post debate polls and the South Carolina primary.  How much, if any, was Trump hurt and did Cruz take any lumps.  My guess?    Yes.

Stay with for the latest poll numbers coming out and campaign updates. The “Beat goes on….la dee da dee dee ….la dee da dee doe.”

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