Google is a Trojan Horse!

Jacksjargon has learned what’s an open secret in Silicon Valley.  Google is working with Red China. They decided to share it’s cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) software with China. It’s unprecedented.  They are hooking up with the Chinese military. Not America. This AI loyalty involves processing satellite images, processing data on drone warfare and cyber warfare. It’s also for civilian usage.  China keeps track of all their civilians and they are rounding up Muslims and putting them into concentration camps. Or as they call it “re-education camps” with armed guards posted.

At first thought one might think it’s all a hoax, or wild conspiracy nonsense.  Most people don’t believe it at first until they learn facts.  This is all black and white.  Originally, this was all sent to the U.S military.  However, their employees protested.  They threatened a massive walkout and management caved. Google, known as alphabet on the NYS exchange, has always been a left leaning company.  This issue is not an American left/right issue. It’s a threatening America issue.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says it is a national security risk. President Trump is aware and won’t let it go back to status quo. It’s a part of the trade war and a reason he is so bold. Our trade war is also a “tech war.”  There is no question our FBI and CIA should be working on this action that many feel is an act of treason. China is all over Silicon Valley working with other U.S companies.  They have spies galore.

Much of this information is being exposed by Pay Pal founder and venture capitalist Peter Theil. He knows Google is the world wide leader in technology.  This nightmare is like a U.S. company helping the Japanese during World War ll.  Google’s dealings is likened to the Manhattan Project during our WW ll. (The Manhattan Project was building the atomic bomb that ended the war with Japan.)  Economic advisor for President Trump, Larry Kudlow affirmed  this recently as well as Thiel.

America is still ahead in technology, but not by much. Many in Silicon Valley think it’s crazy what Google is doing.  It’s an open secret tech war.  One has to wonder does the world really want Red China dominating the world?   Making things worse, Google sets up their responses on the internet always favoring the leftist slant.  Normally they want the site request answer always giving “top billing” to liberal point of view. Sophisticated studies now showing they can and do swing millions of votes to their preferred persuasion.

So just how did this all come about?  It began under the Nixon/Reagan era when their administrations feared the Soviet Union, now Russia, with their nuclear arsenal, more than China.  China was considered a lesser threat. But, how did it get to the present situation?  Google has always been a very liberal company. And they hired primarily liberal people who at present have become radicalized.  Most believe Google thinks of their company as a globalist entity.  Not a USA company. They have become isolated in their success with minimal interest in the outside world. At least that’s the innocent version.  They may also be thinking it is inevitable China, now putting military bases all over the world, will eventually obtain what they offer through the back door anyway, so why not turn it over now. If ever there was dumb justification of what they are doing that’s it. A truly sorry excuse.

This is a terrible state of affairs.  Any wonder why the President is so adamant in his trade war with these people.  So what can any  of us do?  Three possibilities. 1. Spread the word to as many others as possible. Many won’t believe it, but do your best. 2. Do not vote for these radical Democrat candidates.  It’s clear to anyone what their ambitions amount to. 3. If you own stock in Google (alphabet) sell it.  Yours truly already has done so. America is at a cross roads of civil unrest and radical views to change the USA into something it was never intended to become.  Or as Obama put it…”to remake America.”   Love him or hate him, President Trump is the one President with the courage to fight this radical take over. He’s reminiscent to what President Truman used to say…”I don’t give em’ hell. I just tell em’ the truth and they think it’s hell.”