Texas Is The One

There is no way President Reagan could become Governor of California if that were an issue today.  California is a one Party State.  It carries the most Electoral College votes with 55. New York is a one Party State with 29 Electoral college votes.  This totals 84 making up 31% of the 270 votes to win the President of the United States.

This matters because the Democrat’s have their eye on something that would change America forever.  Radical, liberals, progressives, socialists and Communists want total control of the USA using centralized government to determine how we live. Control and power is everything to them.  And they don’t want a fair fight. They are more ruthless today than anyone can remember.  And they have their eye on something that clinches it all for good.

There’s talk of using total votes to decide the Presidency.  It’s not going to happen. Too many State’s will never give up that power. New Hampshire losing it’s 1st in the nation primary? Forgetaboutit.

Here’s the gist of it all.  How did California become a one Party State?  They did it by allowing hundreds of  thousands illegals settle in and become citizens.  They are not people of means so generally they want the “goodies” Democrat’s always dish out.  Plus there is one other major contributing factor. As Hispanics continued to pour into California, these illegals receive welfare, drivers licenses, health care, food stamps, schooling and become more or less citizens . HERE’S THE MAJOR ISSUE.  Illegals vote in California.   Thousands upon thousands vote. There is little control of them registering to vote.  Democrat’s see to it they are registered to vote. It’s been the norm there.  And wallah!  California is a one Party State.

Is it any wonder Democrat’s want no control of our Mexican border. Sure they want to keep President Trump from having a victory.  And no they are not being noble and merely caring for these poor people. This is their plan. Have you noticed which State is being flooded with illegals.  Thousands are pouring into Texas with its 38 ELECTORAL VOTES . Our Country captures a fraction of these illegals. True to his word, President Trump is shipping many to sanctuary cities.  But, that’s a mere fraction. Over 11 to 14 million have crossed our border with no authorization.  They escape into Texas unaccounted for and will eventually go the same route as California.  Getting the picture?  The Democrat’s goal is to convert Texas and their 38  electoral votes to insure the Presidency forever.  It’s hard to see any way, if Texas is lost to the Democrat’s, of ever seeing a Republican President again. Texas is their key to it all. Doubt it?  It’s happened in Nevada turning purple (leaning to Democrat control) as well as Arizona.  New Mexico is long gone.

If you agree with this eventuality, it is absolutely essential we stop the flow overwhelming our border in a Texas crisis situation. BACK PRESIDENT TRUMP in his increasing 5% tariff upon Mexican goods coming into America beginning in June.  Media, even Republican Senators votes (protecting their States) and the stock markets winces at the 5% tariff.  Virtually all seem against Trump on this issue. DON”T GET CAUGHT UP IN THIS SILLINESS OF LOSING OUR AVOCADOS.  I not sure anyone has ever seen an avocado in Chicago.  Bring out the Italian beef and the sausage with the peppers and the onions. And surely there must be a domestic tequila maker in the USA.  If not, you can live without a Margarita for a while. We’re talking about saving America here. The wall can’t be built fast enough. It takes years. Other than jacksjargon you likely won’t hear this anyplace else.

Once again… back the President on his tariffs on Mexico. So what if they don’t like it. They’re part of the problem. Not part of the solution.  Good news is they are quick to come to D.C. knowing the tariffs will slaughter their economy.  The point is Mexico must stop the flow they are allowing to come through their Country and right into the USA.  Odds are they will stop it…or curtail it.  If not, there goes Texas and America shall become what it was never intended to be.  Aah…but, you’ll have all the Avocado’s you want.
