Democrat’s Watch What Channel?

Comedian/Host Bill Maher says “Democrat’s look weak.  (Referring to them not having one debate on the Fox News Channel.) “There’re running from a fight when they should be in there throwing punches.  Republican’s come on knowing the only people cheering them on are their three companion aides.”

He’s correct.  Especially when one looks at the latest polls of what media do Democrat’s and Republican’s get their news:   Fox News Channel 19%       CNN 13%       Facebook 8%        Local TV  7%     NBC 5%      MSNBC 5%     ABC 5%    NPR 4%       CBS 4%      New York Times 3%        Local newspapers 3%

All this for Fox News when they are next to never seen in airports and public area’s forced to show CNN.  One of the sadist factors is CNN has international viewing.   Millions in other county’s think CNN is giving them news.   Other than bias slanted stories that  foreigners actually believe.  Score one for the internet.

Elsewhere, the U.S. Mexican border mess is worse that ever.  70,000 illegals have crossed recently. There is no choice but to let them go because there are no more beds or facilities to keep them.  Fortunately, ankle bracelets are now being used in order to keep track of illegals and maybe, just maybe force some to show up for their court asylum request.   Best bet, some enterprising souls are selling bracelet clippers or doing it for an illegal for a fee.

Democrat candidates, instead of talking of issues, they are working on methods to get their power back in any method possible.  Get rid of the electoral college to use the popular vote. No way will it happen.  It would take two thirds of the House and Senate PLUS three fourths of all States.  It’s silly talk noise and Dem’s know it.  Stack the Supreme Court with 3-6 more judges.  End life time tenure.  The Democrat’s are grasping at straws.  Trouble is other than talking socialism they simply can’t match a soaring economy, more jobs available than people to fill them, ISIS is virtually gone, NATO is being forced to pay their fare share of the budget.  Wages are up 3.5% in the last year.  The biggest increase in a decade.

Gimmicks won’t beat President Trump.  Nor their endless list of Presidential candidates.  Can’t you just imagine Sen. Cory Booker debating President Trump. A blood bath.