Aftermath Election Perspective is Positive

Here’s the lead…Obama’s 1st mid term he lost 63 House seats and lost 6 Senate seats.  Bill Clinton lost 54  House seats and 8 Senate seats.  President Trump?  He lost 33 House seats and GAINED 3-5 Senate seats. Democrat’s spent millions more on these elections and failed. The Senate is the key because they pass or defeat any Democrat House passed legislation.  Remember Democrat Senator Harry Reid?   He failed to even bring up for a vote many bills passed in the House of Representatives.  The public failed to realize the do nothing Congress was essentially Sen. Harry Reid.

Every Senator President Trump campaigned for won.  Including even underdog DeSantis winning the Fla. governorship.  The Justice Kavanaugh terrible and false treatment in the Supreme Court hurt Democrat Senators terribly.  All who voted no on confirmation lost their election.  The only one, Sen. Joe Manchin, who voted for Kavanaugh won reelection.

Many new House members campaigned on being moderates.   Either it was a phony attempt merely to win.  Or, they were sincere giving the new House Speaker trouble such as House Republicans created on themselves. Progressive socialists versus moderate Democrat’s.  What does it tell us?  Will Democrat’s in the House work to get things done in compromise legislation. Ex Gov. of Pennsylvania, Ed Randell, pleaded Tuesday night for Democrat’s to work on solving important issues in legislation. No way will this happen.  With nut cases such as Maxine Waters nothing but investigations to hurt the President will come about.  The endless House actions to hurt President Trump will back fire as it did Republicans on Bill Clinton’s impeachment.  And Clinton actually committed crimes.  Lying to the Feds and to a grand jury.  He lost his law license and these were high crimes and misdemeanors. Clinton won reelection easily.

As previously mentioned, before the new House members are sworn in in January, this will be Trumps last chance to fund the border wall.   Be ready for a Government shut down.  Nancy Pelosi said she will never give in on wall funding. But, she is not in power until January.  Trump will insist on wall funding or not sign the new federal budget.  Shut downs normally hurt the Republicans.  However, with two years before the Presidential election, a shut down will be distant history. More issues will have evolved.

President Trump is now the Republican Party.  He has recognized he needs to tone down his rhetoric.  If so, with his huge accomplishments and many more to come, it is very likely he will get four more years.   Who’s going to beat him? Elizabeth Warren,  Joe Biden, Cory Booker.  No way.  A fresh face must come forward.  And Maxine Waters will be of no help.
