Another Trump Shocker

According to a poll just out, Donald Trump is in a virtual tie with Hillary Clinton if the election were held today.  This according to the highly respected Rasmussen people.  Clinton 37%…Trump 36%.  Of Democrat’s, 79% back Hillary.  Of Republican’s 63% back Trump.  But, here’s the kicker. Independents side with Trump 36% to Hillary’s 25%.  That’s Trump’s main hope should he get the nomination.  He mainly draws from White blue collar males.  Will this be enough?  Still doubtful.  The key is if he can win the critical swing States which no poll can give any indication.  Ohio is a must…Florida…Colorado…Nevada…Virginia among the critical States. Next GOP debate January 24th on the Fox Business Network.  Look out…here comes Megyn Kelly again.

Editor in chief of The Weekly Standard, William Krystal says  “If Trump loses in Iowa, his mystique is gone.”   At present Ted Cruz holds a 3-5% lead over Trump.  And look out in New Hampshire where Chris Christie is coming on strong.  He’s gone from 3% to 12%.  He’s getting strong backing from “money people” and endorsements from the States main newspaper The Union Ledger.  Trump still leads there by 14%.  But, nobody can ever predict the people of New Hampshire.  Ohio’s Governor John Kasich has spent more time in New Hampshire than any other candidate.  Krystal believes one of these three will emerge here.  Christie, Kasich or Rubio. What’s Trump’s immediate response to Christie being the “hottest candidate emerging” in New Hampshire?   The usual.  Christie was too friendly with Obama during hurricane Sandy that devastated New Jersey while the Governor was pleading his case for relief funds. Also, the “Bridgegate” issue resurfaces.  Doesn’t matter.  Christie is superbly capable of communicating with regular people offering solutions as well as emotional ties.  Trump can’t do that.   If this writer had to select one candidate to take on and beat Hillary, it would be Chris Christie.  A polar opposite of Obama.

So how’s Hillary Clinton doing these days?  Not that well.  She is getting solidly beaten by Sen. Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire and is being forced to call upon her husband to begin campaigning for her.  Problem is Donald Trump is beginning and will rip to shreds Bill Clinton’s horrendous record of unfaithfulness and mistreatment of women.  Thus,  Hillary’s “I’m a woman candidate” appeal will be lessened.  Especially if it is made known she is the one who handled the smear campaign against multiple women her husband was seducing or worse.  Let’s not forget Bill Clinton lied to the feds….lied to a grand jury….lied to the American people on television…lost his law license and was impeached in the House of Representatives.  As an ordinary citizen he would likely have faced jail time.   Martha Stewart did less and served time.

Almost unthinkable six months ago, Hillary Clinton is having a  bumpy ride to glory and it likely will get worse.  Here’s why.  Two main problem area’s.  First she has to back many Obama policy’s.  Obamacare, closing GITMO, the miserable campaign against ISIS that she helped create as Secretary of State.   The best known NBC reporter Richard Engel, who has lived his life for years in the turmoil of the middle east and foreign countries, was asked this question on camera.  “Can you name one country that we now have better relations with after Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State?”   He hedged for a moment (remember NBC is a strongly liberal network) and then answered plainly “No.”      The second area may very well be her total downfall.  Another major batch of her emails are to be released.  So far 900 were classified.  Two were blatant in discussing the North Korean nuclear program.  The FBI has her server that she said she deleted only her personal emails.  They have found a way to retrieve many many of the deleted emails.  This is and has taken much time.  The case against her is mounting.  Through credible sources they have enough for an indictment right now.  However, before any charges are brought to the surface, the agency needs to have virtually an “air tight” case.?   Why? Because the relatively new Attorney General selected by Obama, Loretta Lynch, would be the one who would have to take the case in the Justice Department for any prosecution.  The last thing she would want to do.   FBI Director James Comey is one well respected man and not beholden to anyone…including Obama.   If Comey can present irrefutable evidence to the Attorney General, it would be a fire storm if she turns it away for no follow through.  Even if she does, the massive publicity against Hillary would be enormous.

Now can you see why Vice President Biden is keeping his powder dry?   We are in a point in our Country when there has never been such political turmoil within both political parties.   And, at one of the most critical times in U.S. history. While it’s true Democrat’s will always vote Democrat and like wise for Republican’s, there is a massive amount of anger from those in the middle like never before.  Obama has been exposed for what he is.  From these people in the middle, many are no nothings or semi no nothings, even they know matters are not going well.

Our Country needs a lift in spirit.  “Hope and Change” was an Obama fallacy.  Unlike McCain and Romney, we needed a gut street fighter in the mold of Trump who has proven to be an ideal “pace horse.”   Now as the “pace horse” likely will slow down in Iowa and/or New Hampshire it is my hope and belief a true American President will come forward and properly handle the absolute mess he is going to receive.   And, we shall return to the American spirit we all knew and believed in our Country’s decency and leadership the world knew and needs.

Eleven months and counting.    Stay with www.jacksjargon for the latest updates on the current scene.

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