Category Archives: JacksJargon

Take the deal Mr. President

That new compromise bill on immigration issues is worthless. More on the bill in a moment.  First it must be noted how well  President Trump can do in front of a national audience when he is not being filtered by the media.  78% of the audience polled approved of the State of the Union speech. 72% of Independents  Approved. CNN must have gagged.  As well as the goof balls at MSNBC.  93 % of all media coverage of the President is negative.  His approval rating is up 9% to 52%. With the endless beating he takes everyday from the media, it’s remarkable.  Also, many polled are hesitant to admit support for the President.  It’s fear.   Doubt it? Try wearing a Make America Great Again hat out in public.

The compromise bill being pushed even by Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.  One billion plus for the wall.  And a slight lessening of beds for illegals.  Democrat’s pulled that out of the hat last minute.  Less beds for illegals means more seeking asylum, including criminals, will be released into our country and likely will never be heard from again until they rob, kill or push drugs for a living. The problem the President faces is to veto it forces a 2nd partial government shut down and normally Republicans get more of the blame.  Even though the last one seemed to have no impact on his approvals ratings.   So Trump will hem and haw and criticize it before signing it.

What’s next?  We keep hearing about the President declaring a national emergency and make a go of it to get funding for the Mexican border wall. The problem is Democrat forces will quickly go to court and tie up the issue indefinitely.  Although if it ever reached the Supreme Court it is likely Trump would win. The issue can’t wait.  More caravans coming with one being touted as having 7,000. Many trying to get in before action is taken.  And it is not just Central Americans.  Border agents say they are getting illegals coming from all over the world such as Pakistan.  Good grief.  Jacksjargon’s experience working in politics for years has found that 90%+ of immigrants vote Democrat.  They come from area’s where capitalism has never been experienced.  Ironic, they come here to experience the benefits that made our country great seeking to join those looking to limit or destroy it.   I wonder if  that Casio Cortez congresswoman has figured out the three branches of our government yet.  Paraphrasing Churchill…never have we heard so much from so little.

Democrat Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer is already mouthing off trying to tell us the President can now do nothing unless congress approves.  Nice try Chuckie.  As we have been reporting since December, he does not need your approval Schumer.  On the Sunday political shows, acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney asserted the administration can reprogram monies already approved by congress.  President W. Bush held back five billion dollars after the Iraq war. It’s in abeyance.  Same for Obama wasting a 528 million dollars on green energy companies such as Solyndra  that filed bankruptcy. Millions wasted on Obamacare and Iran.  Best estimates have Obama leaving 2-3 billion dollars held over upon leaving office. It will take some effort moving the funds for instance out of the military.  But the President has the power to do so.

And if you support the President and worried about socialism/communism for America, forgetaboutit.  It is difficult to unseat a President in bid for reelection 2020. The Democrat Party is an absolute mess with radical battling moderates, Virginia caving in to a governor who refuses to leave office. He cannot be impeached because his Black Face garb was before he was in office. However, his Lt. Governor is likely a goner. One radical announcing after another. Do you really think enough American’s are going to fall for free this and free that.  Hey, Cortez wants to give you a paycheck if you don’t want to work.

In order to get reelected, President Trump’s biggest challenge is securing back white suburban women.  They no little and care little about accomplishments. They don’t like his personality.  It’s an emotional issue. But there is nobody on the horizon, so far, that has what it takes to beat President Trump.  Many are touting Joe Biden. He will be 78 soon and in his previous two attempts at running for the highest office he couldn’t get over 5%.  The President is a terrific campaigner and nobody has seen the likes of his endless energy.  And in the end do you really believe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sixpack  sitting and watching out there really want one of these radical Democrat’s promising ever kind of giveaway program they can concoct put in office.

Besides…with Trump there never is a dull moment.  We’d miss all the laughs the Democrat’s take serious. How can we forget….”Hey Russia…if you’re out there listening, maybe you can find Hillary’s 33,000 missing emails.”


So Many Didn’t Know.

President Trump’s popularity has grown to 48% in the latest Rasmussen poll. 2% higher than President Obama at the same period in his Presidency.   Even CNN is choking on their poll suggesting a similar rise in his popularity.  How can this be ask CNN pundits and talking heads. He has been continuously blasted by media and print media endlessly for two years.

Tuesday night in his State of the Union speech many American’s awoke and could see the why of it.  Few State of the Union speeches are memorable. This one likely is one. It was a speech of American success past and present. History interspersed with his many accomplishments in just his first two years.  The use of wonderful members in the gallery was spectacular.  Terribly moving.  Even both Parties sang Happy Birthday to a holocaust survivor.  And in return he shouted…”thank you.”  A ten year old girl finishing her chemo after brain cancer…A Black American woman whom he pardoned after her 22 years in prison over a first time drug charge simply couldn’t control her tears…A man shot 7 times tracking down a killer in a church…D-Day survivors  in the gallery….The speech was so well written and delivered it was impossible for Democrat’s not to stand and applaud at times.

So now the media will go ticky tacky looking for any mistakes or distortions the President mentioned.  It won’t matter.  The non political American’s and those who are unaware of what the President has done during just two years had to marvel at matters they were unaware.  The media never reports any good he does. Think of it.  What past President had the guts to go tell NATO members to pay up their fair share and they are doing it.  He shamed them.  Unforgettable line “America is not the ‘piggy bank’ of the world.” Details of what he spoke about you can find on later reports from many sources.  Many of them negative as usual. It won’t matter.  Those Independents or “fence sitters” saw and heard the good news.

He did speak about the wall being built.   It shall be done one way or the other. He was convincing.  He called out those talking socialism.  America shall never be run by government was a huge reference and ovation.  It is so obvious he has grown into the job.  Even with all the noise from opponents and himself, accomplishments can’t be hidden.  Just in January this year when all the media was ready to pounce on the harm supposedly he caused the economy due to the partial government shutdown, 304,000 new jobs were created. Incredible.  The economy is roaring ahead.  We are the envy of the world.

There were numerous times when he was so non partisan and uplifting about the greatness of America, Many Democrat’s couldn’t restrain themselves.  Like him or indifferent, what he has done and is doing was uplifting.  He didn’t have to say “America first.”   You could just hear it and feel it in the House chamber. He took his opportunity Tuesday night and made excellent use of it. And Speaker Nancy Pelosi, seated behind him, behaved herself quite well.  At one point it appeared she motioned to Democrat’s to restrain. Word was she would respect the office of the President.  Smart.  Her popularity is in the pits.

So wake up America!   Our Country is stronger, more prosperous, wages are up and we have more good jobs available than people to fill them. More Americans working now at any time in our history.  Thank goodness many American’s now realize it.

And even if you hate him, you’ve got to admit looking at gorgeous Melania was well worth seeing and hearing the speech.

Who Wins Super Bowl 2019?

New England coach Bill Belichick is the greatest NFL coach of all time.  Quarterback Tom Brady is NOT the greatest quarterback of all time. Does anyone really believe had the Buffalo Bills (or Cleveland Browns) drafted Brady he would be talked about as the greatest of all time. It’s this arrogant curmudgeon coach Belichick who built this dynasty.  Not that Brady isn’t great at what he does.  He is. He is amazing with his football IQ, dedication and extreme accuracy in throwing. And most of all,  he comes through when needed the most. Clutch. But, many quarterbacks  have done that such as Peyton Mannning who won 5 Most valuable player awards compared to Brady’s three.  Stick Drew Brees into Belichick’s system…bet on things being much the same. People think Brady is the greatest because they’ve seen him so often and is a clutch performer.  Put him with the Cincinnati Bengals and he’d be lost in the shuffle.  More on this later. Read on.

So lets talk about Sunday’s game matching the L.A. Rams versus the New England Patriots.  All the heavy money  bet on the game is on the Patriots. They are slight favorites.  On paper the Rams have better personnel.  Games aren’t won on paper.  Strategy of the game plan and putting the players into the best way to defeat the opponent is the key to everything.  And that is the genius of Bill Belichick.   And it’s been said…”Experience is your best teacher.”  35 New England players have played in the Super Bowl.   Five for the Rams.

In order to win, Belichick has been a master at taking away the strengths of the other team.  Rams 33 year old brilliant coach Sean McVey must now do the same.  Without going into too much intricate detail, I’ll give you my take on what McVey must do to win.  Not easy, but Philly beat the Pat’s last year. So it can be done. In order for the Rams to win it’s much the same old story…put pressure on Tom Brady. “Get him off his spot.”   But how?  Jackjargon looks at it this way.  The L.A. Rams must take away Brady’s short passing game.  Edelman…Gronkowski…double team Edelman if possible.  Why?   Because if Brady cannot have his short passing game (passes in the flat as well) and should the Patriots fall behind it will force him to pass to longer routes.  Consequently Brady will not get rid of the ball as quickly and that opens up the pass rush.  And the Rams have that strength.  Second key for the Rams…they must not let the Patriots run the ball at will. They are not very strong at linebacker, but if they don’t stop the run, the Patriots will eat up the clock and keep the Rams defense on the field too long and that fatigue is a killer late in the game. That is what killed the Falcons blowing their 23 point lead late in the game two years ago. Those two factors won’t be easy.  Especially doing them both.

Note, Rams quarterback Jared Goff is very capable with a stronger throwing arm. His key is overcoming nerves in the 1st quarter. And they have a strong twosome in the running game. L.A. can put up mucho points when rolling.

Turnovers are huge factor in football. The Patriots seldom make foolish errors. If L.A. can keep fumbles and interceptions to a minimum, they have a decent chance of winning. These factors make predictions guessing games.

On a personal note…Jacksjargon is sick and tired of hearing Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time.  He is the luckiest of all time. Most of all being selected by the greatest coach in NFL history. He has won five and lost three Super Bowls. Remember Seattle with the ball and seconds remaining  on the Pat’s one yard. They had a Sherman Tank in Marshon Lynch who would have scored the winning TD.  No…instead the Seahawks called the most stupid play in playoff history.  Decided to pass…intercepted at the goal line and Brady won.

Remember Atlanta scoring so fast that the Patriots kept the Falcons defense on the field all day.  They were gassed at the end blowing a 25 point lead.  However, they would have still won with an ideal field goal all set. Then the 2nd dumbest play in playoff history.  They decided to pass…Ryan got sacked. Took them out of field goal range and the Pat’s lucked out again. Instead of 5-3 in Super Bowls Brady is 3-5 and not being called the greatest of all time.

Nobody has seen the likes of coach Bill Belichick.  He made a dynasty with players not always the best.  Remember when Tom Brady was suspended for 4 games after under deflating footballs and throwing away his cell phone. Belichick used inexperienced quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo.   1st game won easily.  Second game Garoppolo used again and won again.  Third game Garoppolo is hurt.  So Belichick takes his 3rd string quarterback, Jacoby Brissett in his 1st start, gives him only  5 plays to use and he wins.  What does that tell you about that coach?

So who wins Sunday’s Super Bowl?  My feeling is it will be close.  Dead even with predictions from a host of NFL players.   I lean towards the Rams mainly because the Pat’s have won enough. Only New Englanders are rooting for the Patriot’s and grouchy old coach Belichick.  Or put it another way…with New England being only a two and a half point favorite I won’t wager.  If it goes to  being a 3 point favorite, I’ll take the Rams.

Final note…this will be New England’s tight end Rob Gronkowski’s final game. His body has had it.

If Los Angles wins the toss….GO ON OFFENSE RIGHT AWAY.  Don’t defer. Let the chess match begin.  A young brilliant young coach against the best of all time. Enjoy the game everybody.



Pelosi Won’t Offer The House

It has never happened before.  A Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, refuses to allow the President to give his State of the Union Address in the House as scheduled.

At first she said there were security concerns making it difficult to protect the President.  This was nonsense as the Secret Service and other security agencies said there is no such security problem.  As of Wednesday, Pelosi now refuses to permit the President saying she won’t allow it until the partial government shutdown has ended.  Problem is she refuses to sit down and compromise.  Obstinate. She has made a calculated political decision.  She, Schumer, Hillary, Obama and a host of other Democrats voted for or favored the building of a Mexican border wall.  This is all politics.  Nothing more.

Her problem is a number of Democrat’s are now giving pause.  Some have said give him the wall and we will get much more than ever expected in return.  Her Majority Leader in the House, Steny Hoyer, is now saying a wall would be effective. Congressman James Clyborn says a wall would help. The question is how will the Independents, the middle of the road average American approve of her decision.  Jacksjargon believes her move will hurt her more than hurting President Trump.  He has been willing to compromise all along.  Think about it.  If you are a hard nosed liberal/socialist Democrat endowed with Trump “Derangement Syndrome” you love her move.  But, politically it’s a dumb move.  The public has overwhelmingly, for years, disliked Nancy Pelosi. Now the scene is Pelosi won’t compromise…the President will and has already.  You decide.

President Trump, in part, says “It would be so sad for our Country if the State of the Union speech was not given on time and in the very important location.”  It was scheduled for Tuesday, January 29th.  So now what?  Delay the speech?  No way. Deliver it in a rally format in a friendly State such as Indiana. Being given consideration.  However, many channels, even major networks, likely would not televise it.  Jacksjargon urges all involved in decision making GIVE THE SPEECH IN THE SENATE.   It’s controlled by Republicans and the speech will have a more Presidential atmosphere.  It’s likely to receive more live coverage. Hands down it’s the way to go.

Meanwhile…the President reached an agreement Wednesday with major drug manufacturers to lower prices.  The public simply never hears good news.  It is always slanted against the President.  CNN and MSNBC merely make noise over-blowing stories like the Catholic Kids causing trouble in D.C. wearing their MAGA caps.  Once again having to retract what they wanted to believe.  And the President often makes matters worse with tweets.  The average American would be shocked to know how well the Country has done during the last two years.

Let’s put it this way.  The average cost for a Harley Davidson motorcycle is $8,000. in America.  Elsewhere across the ocean it is averaged at $20,000.  President Trump has made a good relationship with the Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Negotiating this week with them as their economy has weakened significantly thanks to the Presidents actions.  While ours is the strongest in the world at present.  Plus our military can now protect the USA better than ever.

The President will never give in on building a wall at the border.  He may compromise and modify to end the partial government shutdown.   Pelosi?  She won’t budge…unless the polls show she is losing favor.  And that just might happen provided the poll question isn’t slanted to the left.



Well Done Mr. President!

Tuesday night President Trump delivered his first address to the nation from the oval office.  It was flawless.  He stressed facts and gave examples of tortured Americans who have lost love ones to illegal aliens.  He was Presidential in every way.  It was facts coupled with an emotional element. His ease and style in front of the camera was spot on.  A rare moment for every American to judge him like never before.  Some cable news channels will do everything in their power to point out wrong facts.  They shall direct attention to anything they can exploit as to how awful the President is acting in wanting a steel wall built to protect those inside our country and the pain and suffering who travelled far only to suffer greatly. That element of concern the President showed for those who have been tortured to come here was an excellent remark.  Also included in Trump’s remarks was reference  to how many politicians have walls around their property. That speaks for itself. Plus, he included how Senator Schumer, in the past, has voted for monies to spend building a wall. Don’t believe it.?  Go to youtube or look at the facebook page of this writer. Whoever helped the President write that speech should be given a bonus check.

After his approximately ten minute address,  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Senate leader Chuck Schumer stood side by side and and gave their rebuttal. Frankly their appearance standing together appeared awkward.  Pelosi rambled on how terrible the President is acting. Her voice raspy and appeared ill at ease.  In television, appearance can be everything.  This being the first time of such an event brings recall to the old expression…”You get only one chance to make a good first impression.”  Communication skills at this level is not her strong suite.  It marred what she was saying.  She flunked.

After Pelosi, Senator Chuch Schumer spoke.  Blame blame blame. In essence he tried to make it seem like only the President needs to compromise.  However, the White House has offered several compromise options.  Schumer and Pelosi won’t even listen.  In reality, this really isn’t about the value of building a wall to protect the American border.  It is about denying any victory for President Trump. It’s about diminishing his accomplishments heading into the 2020 Presidential race. Hillary, Sen. Feinstein, Sen. Patty Murray and a host of other Democrat Senators previously voted for money for the wall.  As a Senator, President Obama supported a wall. Neither Pelosi nor Schumer did themselves much good.  They looked like “Mutt and Jeff” together. Their skills in front of a TV camera is not their thing.  Especially compared to the President.  Schumer came off harsh. Self rightious. The President was natural, sincere and easy to listen to his message.

Meanwhile, over at CNN, John King dragged out the same old silly argument…”It is known these illegal immigrant’s have a lower crime rate than native born American’s.”   Will someoneone…anyone…a pundit…columnist…Republican politician please stand up and loudly proclaim…”IF THEY WEREN’T HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE THEY’D HAVE NO CRIME RATE AT ALL.”

So now we wait.   Wait for the public reaction President Trump asked for in favor of buiding the wall.   Both Parties will claim victory Tuesday night.  They are not at issue.  It is what does the independent average man or woman voter, who don’t follow the news or politics closely, what do they think?  Jacksjargon dislikes using trite catch phrases, but here goes anyway.  Building a wall on the Mexican border is a “no brainer.”  John Doe knows it.  The middle of the road voter knows it.  Heck…even Pelosi and Schummer know it.

Build Wall! No need for Dem.’s

Potential new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is so concerned for those not working during the partial government shutdown, she had to get away and meditate on a deal. Right?  But where?  Hawaii’s exclusive Fairmont Orchid resort hotel at $900 a night for a standard room.  Suites go for up to $4900. Need a massage Nancy?  Only $549.  But, it may include for two.

She doesn’t care about any compromise.  All she cares about is stalling any deal to make certain her new radical base votes her in as the next Speaker of the House January 3rd.  Senator Chuck Schumer is ready to deal. Think about it.  Pelosi spends shutdown time in Hawaii—media silent.  President Trump stays at the White House for Christmas except for a jaunt to Iraq to be with the troops. Media explodes!

Christmas sales 2018 best in many years. American’s were buying like crazy. Pundits giving us “gloom and doom” while our GDP (Gross Domestic Product)  is still at 3.4%.  That’s double Obama’s typical GDP.  The Trump haters bitter, angry and just can’t stop looking for ways to tear the President down. “Trump derangement syndrome” is endless and gets nuttier.

Make no mistake. Trump will get money for the wall one way or another. It shall be built.  Plus, he doesn’t need Pelosi or Schumer to do it.  It doesn’t hurt his cause that another policeman gets killed by an illegal arrested twice for DUI’s.  California’s sanctuary State never notified anyone.  Surprisingly some networks seemed forced to report the murder by an illegal.  CBS made it clear Saturday morning Dec. 29th.

It’s been obvious to anyone why Democrat’s want open borders. These largely unskilled poor and criminals will live off of Democrat hand outs and vote their way.  The object being wipe out the Republican Party so they can “remake America” (remember who said that?) to a socialistic if not communist country. Jacksjargon is serious.  How much more do we need to hear from ignorant freshman Congresswoman Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez who compared the aliens trying to break into the USA as “Baby Jesus.”   A self appointed no nothing leader economics major who could not name the three branches of the U.S. Government. It’s true. Not a clue as to basic civics.

So here’s how Trump can get the wall and more built without Pelosi and Schumer. They will never give in to much of anything. President Trump can declare a national security emergency (remember more caravans are planning to invade…just heard a 7,000 one) and re-assign 25 billion dollars from the military budget.  Or, pass it out of the Senate using “budget reconciliation.”   That requires only 51 votes.  Thank goodness Trump got Mexico to hold illegals out of USA until their pitch for entrance.

Sounds good.  But, a bit simplistic.  So let’s dig a little deeper and use remarks from Brett M. Decker, an assistant professor of business at Defiance College and  attorney James Renne.  Former Trump transition official.  “There are sources of revenue in the executive branch that the President has authority to use without congressional approval.”  “Legal authority comes from many angles.”  “Obama stimulus loans ($2 billion to $5 billion) could be separated out and used because they involved no ‘year money’, meaning the loans don’t expire. He could tap into USDA’s Community Facilities monies.  President George W. Bush was criticized for keeping billions in war spending off the books so it could be diverted to secret operations free of oversight.  President Obama spent billions on health care without congressional authorization.  Unless there is some last minute deal that he will accept, the only way the wall will get built is if the president uses executive power to do it. This type of an approach is a sure way for Trump to regain the initiative and give him leverage as pressure mounts.”

A wall will get built.  There will be howls even from his own Party should he employ such tactics.   But, so what.  Many of them hope he fails anyway. He is showing them up with accomplishments.  Jacks jargon thinks there is one more outlandish, yet effective, way to get funds for the wall from congress. Merely threaten or actually veto every single piece of legislation that comes from Pelosi or Schumer.  Senator Harry Reid, essentially did it for years.  Just don’t bring up House passed legislation for a vote.

So now let’s relax and watch the “fur fly.”  The team of Maxine Waters and Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez will be the Republicans best friend.  Truly a match made in heaven…or more likely…the other place.

Aftermath Election Perspective is Positive

Here’s the lead…Obama’s 1st mid term he lost 63 House seats and lost 6 Senate seats.  Bill Clinton lost 54  House seats and 8 Senate seats.  President Trump?  He lost 33 House seats and GAINED 3-5 Senate seats. Democrat’s spent millions more on these elections and failed. The Senate is the key because they pass or defeat any Democrat House passed legislation.  Remember Democrat Senator Harry Reid?   He failed to even bring up for a vote many bills passed in the House of Representatives.  The public failed to realize the do nothing Congress was essentially Sen. Harry Reid.

Every Senator President Trump campaigned for won.  Including even underdog DeSantis winning the Fla. governorship.  The Justice Kavanaugh terrible and false treatment in the Supreme Court hurt Democrat Senators terribly.  All who voted no on confirmation lost their election.  The only one, Sen. Joe Manchin, who voted for Kavanaugh won reelection.

Many new House members campaigned on being moderates.   Either it was a phony attempt merely to win.  Or, they were sincere giving the new House Speaker trouble such as House Republicans created on themselves. Progressive socialists versus moderate Democrat’s.  What does it tell us?  Will Democrat’s in the House work to get things done in compromise legislation. Ex Gov. of Pennsylvania, Ed Randell, pleaded Tuesday night for Democrat’s to work on solving important issues in legislation. No way will this happen.  With nut cases such as Maxine Waters nothing but investigations to hurt the President will come about.  The endless House actions to hurt President Trump will back fire as it did Republicans on Bill Clinton’s impeachment.  And Clinton actually committed crimes.  Lying to the Feds and to a grand jury.  He lost his law license and these were high crimes and misdemeanors. Clinton won reelection easily.

As previously mentioned, before the new House members are sworn in in January, this will be Trumps last chance to fund the border wall.   Be ready for a Government shut down.  Nancy Pelosi said she will never give in on wall funding. But, she is not in power until January.  Trump will insist on wall funding or not sign the new federal budget.  Shut downs normally hurt the Republicans.  However, with two years before the Presidential election, a shut down will be distant history. More issues will have evolved.

President Trump is now the Republican Party.  He has recognized he needs to tone down his rhetoric.  If so, with his huge accomplishments and many more to come, it is very likely he will get four more years.   Who’s going to beat him? Elizabeth Warren,  Joe Biden, Cory Booker.  No way.  A fresh face must come forward.  And Maxine Waters will be of no help.


Democrat’s Disappointed

As of 1:30 A.M. Eastern time, Democrat’s are disappointed (says John King and others at CNN) even though they won the House of Representatives by 35-38 votes, they did nothing as expected in winning governorships, lost Ohio and Florida critical to 2020 Presidential and had a disaster in the Senate.  As of this hour, Republicans have gained four Senate seats and are winning in two others.

Best guess in the end the Republicans will go from 51 Senators to approximately 56.  It means another Supreme Court justice will sail through. Also, Pelosi will be acting Speaker for a while. It is likely she will lose in January to a new Democrat Speaker.  One even more radical then her.  Young Democrat women won big. As many as six or more.  Young and leftist’s.

So now more divided government than ever.  It could work one of two ways. Democrats could now work with President Trump in getting worth while legislation through.  But, nothing they propose will get passed without approval in the Senate or not vetoed by the President. They will need to be faithful in compromise legislation. On the other hand they could just be a problem child doing nothing more than investigating the President looking for some grounds for impeachment. Congressman Gerald Nadler will be working for ways to even impeach Justice Bret Kavanaugh.  Simply hopeless.  Waste of every ones time.  The Republican controlled Senate is never going to have enough votes to convict anyone out of office.

So what do you think the Democrat’s will do in their newly controlled House of Representatives in January?   What is likely?  Answer is they will never work with President Trump.   Never.  They hate him for everything.  Mostly for beating Hillary.  Nothing but noise will come from the House for two years.  Worthless investigations looking for anything to convict somebody.  Proposing worth while compromise legislation is a thing of the past.  Especially now when you have added young radical women who have no use for our form of government. Nor the huge successes during the past two years from President Trump. Majority of these new women in congress are socialists. Little life experience or education in civics. Jacksjargon sees a fiasco coming.

It is conceivable President Trump, knowing he will never get funding for the wall when the new House takes power in January, will pressure (many believe already agreed upon) with Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell to not approve the next budget without funding for the wall. Knowing Trump and his regret for signing the last budget of 1.7 trillion to get funding for the military and giving in to Democrat programs, Trump is likely to shut down the government. He simply promised it and the next few months may be his last chance.  Plus, two years hence, the shutdown will be old news.  Stand by for this one.

If you are a backer of President Trump, the irony of it all is this new House of Representatives will provide the basis for a voter rebellion.  American’s will lose patience with these extremists.  And that forms the basis for the reelection of President trump in 2020.  That is the essence of what happened in these off year elections 2018.  The Democrat’s won some Nov. 6th, 2018, but are more than willing to lose big time after the noise they are going to making.

It’s losing by winning.  And they are oblivious.