Monthly Archives: July 2016

Hillary down in polls: Attorney Gen. Disgrace

After 12 million dollars spent in anti Trump ads in key swing States, Hillary has sunk in the Wednesday Morning Quinnipiac polls.  And Attorney General Loretta Lynch disgraced herself to a House Judiciary Committee Tuesday.

Florida: Trump 42%…Hillary 39%.  Pennsylvania: Trump 43%…Hillary 41%.  Ohio: Trump 41%…Hillary 41%.  A Monmouth U. poll in Iowa Trump 44%…Hillary 42%.   Florida shows an 11% change since June.  PA has it as a 3% change.  And, in that Iowa poll a shocker.  Under 50 year olds…Trump 51%…Hillary 32%…7% for Libertarian Johnson.  Supposedly, the younger the voter the better for Hillary Clinton.   What accounts for the change?  Number one easily the FBI scathing report on Hillary Clinton and her lying continuation and illegal acts in the email scandal.  Plus, the continuing terrorism domestic and world wide along with the racial issues.  Soccer moms have become “security moms.”  All this with Mrs. Clinton having a 20% edge with women and college educated.

Then there is the honest and trustworthy polling. July…Florida has Trump 50% in July…Hillary…37%.  Ohio has Trump 47% with Hillary at 37%.  56% to 35% of those polled feel Hillary Clinton should have been indicted.  Even 36% of Democrat’s agree.  Says Bloomberg Political Editor Mark Halperin…”Trump is definitely in the race.” BUT, the Republican rules committee meets Thursday and Friday.   Many feel any other candidate than Trump would be pulverizing Hillary.  So Trump is still no sure thing heading into next weeks convention in Cleveland.  With these new polls it is harder to see a new GOP candidate come about.  Especially with this new Trump momentum.  And his new Vice President nominee at his side.  As previously mentioned here, Indiana’s Gov. Mike Pence very likely.  Why Pence?   He’s very conservative, knows the in’s and outs of Congress as an ex congressman.  Trump finds him quite compatible with himself and his family.  They like him.  That’s huge.  Trump does not need another bomb thrower such as Newt or Christie.   An announcement more likely to come about Thursday to avoid burial in Friday news cycle seldom read or watched on Saturday’s.   Yet still, conventions and rules committees take on a life of their own and nobody can be certain of what’s in the offing.

As jacksjargon watched Attorney General Loretta Lynch testify Tuesday in front of a House Judiciary Committee, he watched a travesty seldom seen in any kind of political venue. This woman refused to answer any question.  I mean any.  She even refused to answer yes or no when asked if lying to the FBI is against the law.  Here is the highest law enforcement official in our Country answering over 75 times….”Director Comey has chosen to provide great detail into the basis of his recommendations that were ultimately provided to me.  I would refer you to those statements.  As Attorney General, I am not able (unwilling more appropriate) to provide any further comments or facts or the substance of the investigation.”  This is how the word “Stonewall” became the lexcicon for the USA.  It was absolutely shameful.  She makes the final decisions.  Not Director Comey.

This blogger has never held strong beliefs in the words, mostly from Trump, that the system “Is rigged.”  It came out of Trumps rants when Ted Cruz beat him legally in some primary States.  Sen. Bernie Sanders picked it up as the expression grew in favor.  Even when FBI Director James Comey, after a huge expose’ of Hillary Clinton’s continuous lies, did I believe he was was “rigging it.” My thought was it was a cowardly act of him not wanting to change the course of America’s political history. Actually, if he had made the proper call, instead of gobble de gook, he would have helped the Country by offering a better candidate in the likelihood of VP Joe Biden.  But, this from Loretta Lynch is absolutely shameful.  A total abdication of her responsibilities as Attorney General of the United States.

President Nixon resigned office over a cover up of a two bit break in of the Democratic National headquarters in the Washington D.C. building known as Watergate.  President Clinton was rightly impeached for lying to the feds, to a grand jury, to the American people on television and turned in his license to practice law.  But this from Mrs. Clinton?  The multiple acts of betrayal in handling Top Secret Classified documents for the hackers to show to the world.  The most serious acts of betrayal to the department she headed at that time.   And then not to be even considered by the Attorney General of the United States after confirmation of multiple acts, at the very least of negligence, even bordering on treason……….that folks is known as a “rigged System.”


How Not To Handle Racial Tensions

Says Obama following the five policeman killed.  “It’s very hard to untangle the motives of the shooter.  I’ll leave that to the psychologists and other people who study these issues.”   He’s kidding right?  No, this is our President who time after time always defends the indefensible.  Who always sides with his race before even knowing the facts.  Same thing for seven and a half years.  Plus throw in his Muslims leanings.  It is simply endless.   He is part of the problem instead of part of the solution.  A little over five months and counting.  “A man who indulges in killing White officers is a man engaged in evil.” Karl Rove.

No question if I was a Black person, I would be on guard.  I would know the Afro American history in America that is not always pretty.  Thousands of Blacks were hung by the Ku Klux Klan as recently mid twentieth century.  No trial.  The great Black entertainers of our time could not even stay in the Las Vegas hotels where they were entertaining.  The great singer Lena Horne saw the pool drained after she swam in it. The wonderful Nat “King” Cole would be fired if he dared to look at a White woman in the audience.  It wasn’t until the 1960’s when Frank Sinatra said he would not perform unless his friend Sammy Davis Jr. could stay in the same hotel where Frank was staying and broke the color barrier.

But much has changed for the better since.  Not ideal yet. But much better.  However, there is a time when matters get out of hand as we see day after day here in our Country.  The movement will go on.  However, nobody is above the law.   Nobody should be fanning the flames of racial tension as we see today.  The media, Black leaders who owe their stature and income tied to racial tension and the drug culture so prevalent in nasty neighborhoods.  And a President who has made matters worse.

So what do we do now to stop the growing killing that are coming on daily now?  Politicians such as Hillary Clinton tell us we need “a  conversation.”  Silly.  Might as well bury it forever in some committee.  Instead she and others in her Party will point to gun legislation as some sort of a solution.  Laughable.  There will be some workable answers from a new President if it is not Hillary.  But what now?   Well, we are too far into this killing spree to examine eventual plans that may work.  And, there is no leadership in our Country.  As jacksjargon sees it, local police forces are on their own. They must now be more aggressive in handling these demonstrations and still walk a very fine line to keep from an out right insurrection.  But, we cannot let the inmates run the asylum.  That’s anarchy.  For instance, there is no way police should allow any group shut down a major interstate.  Or demonstrators lock hands keeping shoppers from entering a department store during Christmas season in Chicago.  Police commissioners must risk their careers fighting city hall and the media to do what is right for the public.  They cannot stand idly by and let unruly demonstrators become criminals.  Or police, such as in Baltimore, stand by and watch as demonstrators loot and set fires.

Here come the conventions.  The Republicans in Cleveland beginning next Monday and soon after the Democrat’s in Philadelphia.  No matter how well authorities think they will be ready…in all likelihood, they are not.   Governors should have the national guard standing by.  If demonstrator’s break laws, there has to be swift action.  They can’t wait until matters get out of hand.  It is critical they nip any problems in the bud or else things will explode.  Those extremists are willing to do anything if they sense there is no strength to stop them.

There has to be strong Rudy Giuliani type leadership.   Weakness will beget weakness and America, as we know it, may never see anything like what could happen.  A bully will back off if he knows you are up to stopping him.  At this awful time in our Country we must be strong on the local level.   There is simply no telling what well financed demonstrators are capable of doing.  This is not a time to be overly patient and back off.  Or, as General Colon Powell used to preach…overwhelming force will win any battle.   Let us pray local leaders and governors will do what they must.  There will be no help from Obama and his administration.  He has shown what side he is on again and again.

In 1968, I was working in the media at Chicago.   I remember well what happened.  Force came too late.  It was terrible, but these days, if not handled well, 1968 could seem like a picnic in Grant Park.



FBI Director Gets Grilled & Trump New Troubles

Things are popping today…stay with me on this.  A House committee grilled FBI Director James Comey Thursday for almost five hours.  Congressman Trey Gouty forced the director to reiterate Hillary Clinton’s lies. It was partisan as usual, but Comey had his hands full.  Plus he was asked were you there when she was questioned. Comey answered no.  This is absolutely stunning.  Do you have transcripts or recording of the session with Hillary Clinton?  No.  Did you keep records of her testimony? No. Was she under oath?  No. The Director stuck with the story he couldn’t prove Mrs. Clinton had intention for her misdeeds.  What nonsense.  Near the end of the session Comey was asked if the FBI was investigating the Clinton Foundation.  He refused to answer. Again Director Comey left making no statement and taking no reporter questions.

So what’s the deal with all this?  It is Jacksjargon’s belief that FBI Director James Comey simply does not want to be the one to change the course of political and American history.  Especially with an Afro American President.  It’s that simple.  And came up with this flimsy intent excuse that essentially says Hillary Clinton was too dumb to know what she was doing.

Elsewhere…the State Dept. now says it is going to reopen the case against  Hillary Clinton and include her aide’s Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.  They are seeking administrative sanctions.  No further details.

And finally, get this one.  Says Republican strategist Dan Sensor…”The “Dump Trump” people are far more real than the press gives them credit for.”  Trump’s meeting with House and Senate leaders did not go as well as expected Thursday. Part of the angst coming from Trump’s speech last night with regard to Saddam Hussein and the Star of David prominent in one of his political commercials. Consequently, the rules committee, pre convention, has become a more major factor.  Here’s how any changes would come about.   Out of 112 people on the rules committee, 28 need to vote in favor of a change that would permit the delegates to vote on any change. The current breakdown is 20 would consider, 33 are unknown and 59 support Trump.  Obviously eight more are needed to get it to the floor. It would be a majority vote.  The rules change being considered would allow delegates to be free to vote for any candidate they choose on a first ballot.  Out of the 1,237 delegate votes needed 890 are committed to Trump…900 are unknown and 680 oppose.  Suddenly, the ever ambitious Ted Cruz is headed for the convention and Trump will allow him to speak.  Plus, there might be some mind changes for those saying they would not attend the convention.

That’s it and that’s enough for one day.

The Why of FBI’s Comey’s Decision

FBI Director James Comey had to make a decision.  Indict Hillary Clinton or not. Or pass it all on to Loretta Lynch’s Justice Dept. and let her make the decision.  He offered a laundry list of charges and lies by Hillary and then expresses he will not call for legal action, such as an indictment, because there was a lack of intent on her part.  Former Ast. CIA director James Kallstrom says, “I don’t know what got into the guy. It makes no sense.  When you tell your associate(s) to remove top secret headings (on emails) that’s intent.”

So what happened?   There are two scenario’s. First,  Attorney General Loretta Lynch was never going to indict Hillary Clinton.  Two reasons.  1. The New York Times reports when Bill Clinton entered Lynch’s plane, he offered her to stay on as Attorney General should Hillary get elected President.  A bribe. Because of that happening and press leakage it was obvious she should not being making the indictment decision upon Mrs. Clinton.  Also, she was not going to indict anyway.  To do so would have brought Obama into the picture because he was aware of her server and sent email messages on it.  An indictment would produce a grand jury with Hillary and Obama involved.  An absolute Democrat disaster and possible impeachment proceedings.   So Director Comey was forced to make the call against his will.  He would have preferred to simply passed it all onto the Justice Depatment.  Reason 2.  Comey was faced with what must have been an intolerable position and decision.  He had all the goods on Hillary. But did he want to be the one to change the course of the Presidential election and history.  And, who knows what skullduggery the Clinton’s might be up to.  Threats would not be out of the question.  The Clinton’s are the Francis Underwoods (fictional evil stop at nothing political figures from the House of Cards series) of contemporary politics.  So Director Comey made the best plan he could make under the circumstances.

Comey felt his best action would be to “throw the book” at Hillary Clinton and then let her “off the hook.”  Point out lie after lie she committed over the past 16 months.  And he did a smashing good job.  “She misled the American people over 16 months.”   She lied about never receiving classified  material (110 were classified)…she lied about turning over all her emails. 1,000 worked related, some classified never turned in…she lied about having just one server for convenience.  She had several different servers and used mobile devices in conjunction with her home servers….She lied about her server being permitted by the State Dept…she lied about having security for her home servers.

But, in the end, FBI Director James Comey claimed he couldn’t find a single case that would support criminal charges on these facts.  He supported his conclusion with the issue she had no intention to commit crime.  Comey said he didn’t feel these issues should be prosecuted.  What was unusual for Comey was he took no questions.  He stated his case and walked out.  That said something about this entire episode.  He simply did not want to defend his decision.  Comey, a good man, had to be sick inside, perhaps ashamed in knowing what he had done.

The Republican’s are calling James Comey before Congress as soon as Thursday or Friday.  Trump is obviously touting all of it.  Including Hillary could be blackmailed by other Countries who have and could expose content of her emails.  Clinton Foundation money raising for favors anyone?  TV commercials with Comey exposing and showing Hillary lying.

House Speaker Paul Ryan is aghast.  “This announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law.”  He and others now want everything that was used in the FBI investigation to be released.   Said famed columnist Charles Krauthammer…”She is a non criminal liar.”   Even the liberals on Morning Joe, MSNBC  are incredulous.  Joe Scarborough and his sidekick Mika B. agreed. Every time some liberal would try to defend Hillary, Joe would say…”She lied…She lied.”

Traditional GOP candidates for President normally do not make as much of these type issues as they should.  Too polite for fear of losing possible Independent voters.  But not now.  Like him or hate him, Donald Trump, for the first time we have a candidate that is afraid of nothing.  “The system is rigged.” we will hear over and over.  His rallying cry.   And he is correct and the public knows it.  The Democrat’s are saying it won’t matter.   The Democrat’s will vote for Democrat’s and vice versa.  What they are not saying is what about the Independents?  The poorly informed…the no nothings and semi no nothings…they know about this one.  And Trump will fight like no other.  The Clintons merely want power.  Trump want two things…he loves to win.  And, he truly wants the chance to fix a Country that 70% of the public feels is headed in the wrong direction.  One thing about Trump that people never think about.  He is very smart.  There aren’t too many dumb billionaires running around.

Because of this weeks events, all has changed at the Republican convention.  Any of the “anybody but Trump” people have to be taken aback.  Change in candidates is likely now kaput.  And, maybe it’s for the best.  The GOP has finally got a candidate to fight like crazy against the Clintons.  And they, the Clintons, have lost much of their ammo and how to deal with this type fearless candidate who might, just might, put up an excellent lady Senator, a military veteran, a most popular woman in Iowa’s Joni Ernst.   She’ll be no Sarah Palin.  She’d be an excellent choice.

All of what’s been said and done brings us to a little known law professor at the University of Tennessee, Glenn Reynolds who says…”Laws are for the little people.”

Stay in touch with www.jacks jargon for political updates and commentary.


4th of July Greatest Happening

Founding fathers Thomas Jefferson and John Adams became bitter enemies over mostly political views.  Jefferson believed more in States rights while Adams believed in more centralized government power.  They both became U.S.President’s.  Campaigns against each other were even worse than today. Upon retirement they had not spoken with each other in eleven years.

After encouragement from friends, Adams decided to send Jefferson a letter on January 1, 1812.  To Adams surprise, he received a cordial reply from Jefferson.  For 14 years thereafter they became good friends.  In many letters they recalled the founding of our Country and their common cause beliefs during that period.

In the most extraordinary coincidence of all time, they both died on the same day.  It was July 4th, 1826.  Exactly 50 years after signing the Declaration of Independence.  Adams, who was 90, last words were Jefferson lives.  What he didn’t know was Jefferson had died, at 82, merely five hours earlier.  They were the last survivors of those who signed our greatest historical document.

Never have I believed in coincidences.   This was simply too extraordinary.  Mystical in nature and frankly, in my view, a form of divine intervention.

Happy 4th of July everyone.